Doctor Who Experience

Every since I’ve heard about its existence I’ve been wanting to go to Cardiff to see the Doctor Who Experience. Unfortunately I never made it during the time of my favorite doctor, Matt Smith. Finally, in 2015 it was my turn. I absolutely loved it. The “show” part of the experience alone is wonderful. I got so into it it made me cry happy tears. Fortunately, photographing and filming is not allowed there, so it will hopefully be kept a secret. It was worth the trip! The exhibition part is amazing. All our favorite monsters plus props and costumes from over 50 years of Doctor Who. I spent over an hour there and could have spent even longer. If you are a Doctor Who fan and happen to be in Cardiff, go for it.
Bonus: Torchwood and Ianto’s Shrine at Cardiff Bay.

Copyright: Stef Redbossfan 2015, all rights reserved.



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